Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Natural Produce Classification Using Computer Vision Based on Statistical Color Features and Derivative of Radius Function
Natural Produce Classification Using Computer Vision Based on Statistical Color Features and Derivative of Radius Function
Subject : Computer Science 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : In agriculture industry, natural produce classification is used in sorting, grading, measuring, and pricing. Currently, a lot of methods have been developed using computer vision to replace human expert in natural produce classification. However, some of the method used long features descriptor and complex classifier to obtain high classification rate. This paper proposes natural produce classification method using computer vision based on simple statistical color features and derivative of radius function. The k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) and artificial neural network (ANN) were used to classify the produce based on the extracted features. Preliminary experiment results show that the proposed method achieved best result with average classification accuracy of 99.875% using ANN classifier with nine nodes in hidden layer. 
ISSN : 1662-7482 
Journal Name : Applied Mechanics and Materials 
Volume : 771 
Issue Number : 2015 
Publishing Year : 1436 AH
2015 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Monday, March 7, 2016 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
Anton Satria PrabuwonoSatria Prabuwono, Anton


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